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Heaven Dragon Brand Fong Ton Pills is to heal the disease of Liver and Viscera, preventing the Blood-vessel to be solidified, to help the circulation of blood which get through and soothe heat and clean blood route to prevent Hypertension and remove congestion from Brain. It is very effective for eliminating poison in whole body and waste and drive out amassed blood and promote the function to push and transport blood which will make the body more comfortable.
Main Indications
Heal Liver and kidney, Lumbago, Notalgia feet and knee cramp, Spasm, Muscle ache, Bone ache, Hand knee palsy, Muscle and Bone without strength, Rheumatism, Circulation of Blood, strengthen muscle and bones.
Direction and Dosage
Adults use 4 pills each time, children (age 8 - 15 years old) use 2 pills each time, and take three times a day.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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