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Functions and indications:
(Honeysuckle Flower & Forsythia Fruit Combination) Anti-bacteria and diminishing inflammation, resolving toxin and relieving pain. Use for urinary system, upper respiratory tract infection. Specially effective for epidemic common cold, cold and fever, limp aching limbs, headache and cough, tonsillitis, faucitis, periodontitis, tympanitis, nasosinusitis, allergic rhinitis.
Packing: 50 tablets per box.
Caution: Do not use if pregnant.
anti-bacteria, anti-phlogistic, anti-pyretic and antidote
As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 tablets each time, 3 times daily
Active ingredients
Nacre(Concha margaritaferael), Chinese skullcap (root), Japanese honeysuckle (flower), andrographis, Forsythia (fruit) , Frankincense (resin) , Chinese licorice (root).
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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