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Enhance masculine desire and performance. Helps maintain reproduction system function and overall well-being.
Functions and indications:
Strong male tonic for deficiency of kidney yang, kidney and spleen qi, and blood. Use for impotence, premature ejaculation, failure to obtain an erection, and lowered sexual drive. Useful in problems accompanying aging in men, including fatigue, low back pain, poor memory, and poor digestion.
Packing: 300mg X 20 capsules per box.
Caution: Do not use if pregnant.
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 capsules twice a day. Prefer in the morning and at night.
Ingredients: Ginseng root, Tang Kwei root, Eucommiae bark, Dodder seed fruit, Cinnamon bark, Licorice root, Foxglove root, Atractylodes root, Cruculigo root, Milk-Vetch root, Tuckahoe root, Scuffy Pea fruit, Japanese Teasel root, Morindae root, Cynomorii stem, Epimedii stem, Winter Wheat root, Chinese Raspberry fruit, Achyranthes root, Fenugreek fruit, Cornelian Cherry fruit, Cistanches stem, Matrimony fruit, Peony root bark
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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