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The Golden Pill was made from 100% natural herb in Korea by Dr. Hwang Won-Duk who holds PhD in Acupuncture and Herb Medicine from Dong-Eui University in South Korea.
Functions and indications:
Golden Pill helps the circilation of blood which passes through and soothes heat, cleans blood route to prevent hypertension and removes congestion. It also helps to eliminate poisonin whole body and wastes, drives out amassed blood and promotes the function to push and transport blood which will make the body more comfortable. Furthermore, it will help to enhance the metabolic system to reduce the level of cholesterol, high blood pressure(hypertension), high blood sugar(diabetes) and high blood fats.
6-year-old Korean Ginseng, Poria, Massa medicita fermentata and 18 other herbs.
Directions: After each meal Take 5-10 pills 3 times a day as a dietary supplement.
Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant.
Packing: 125 g
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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