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Male sexual enhancer. Lack of sexual appetite, non-erection, short male organ, premature ejaculation, frequent and weak urination, dixxness and ringing ears, sore waist, painful back, etc.
Directions: Take 1 capsule only 15-30 minutes prior to sexual activity or strenuous work.
6 capsules.
Contents: Concentrates of Deer Root, Panax ginseng, Sea horse, Herba Epimedii, Dodder seed, Fructus rosae, Laevigatae, Wax free fruit.
Warning :Cardio Vascular and Hypertensive medicine should not be used at the same time. Take a lot of boiled water if there are any side affects. Not for use by persons under 21 and pregenant women.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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