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For thousands of years, herbalist used botanical nutrient to maintain human bodily function healthy and eliminate discomfort.
Thirsty Releever is the result of many herbalists efforts. It helps promote the body fluid production system and support the body maintain healthy blood sugar level and circulation.
Functions and indications:
Enriching yin and nourishing the kidney, boosting qi and engendering liquid. Use for large food intake, large water intake, profuse urine, emaciation and lack of strength, waist pain. Also use for regulating the urine sugar and blood sugar normal.
Packing: 120 pills per bottle.
Caution: Do not use if pregnant.
As a dietary supplement for adults take 5 -10 pills after meal with warm water, 3 times a day.
Milk-Vetch root, Dihuang root, Snakegourd root
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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